Company Establishment

A team of professionals having as main purpose advising and representing its local and international clients for a better business approach across the entire Romanian territory.

Do you know what kind of company fits you better? Check below a short description for each of them.

Start Questionnaire
Other services
(changes, modifications)
Starting from
Company name €199
Company legal form €299
Headquarters and working units €450
Business lines of the company €199
Share capital - assignment, increasing, decreasing €499
Suspension or resuming the company activity €199
Management members, control bodies and shareholders €299
Identification data €199
Mergers, acquisitions & spin-off *apply for a personalised offer
Liquidation & dissolution €550
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Limited Liability Company

  • May be established by at least one shareholder;
  • Minimum share capital of RON 1 equivalent of EUR 0,2;
  • The share capital must be paid entirely before becoming a shareholder;
  • Each held share gives the right to one vote;
  • May be managed by one or more administrators appointed for a specified period (no time limits applicable, however), which may represent the company independently;

Joint Stock Company

  • May be established by minimum two shareholders;
  • Minimum share capital of RON 90,000 equivalent of EUR 19,000;
  • The difference for the share capital may be paid within 12 months since incorporation if 30% of the share capital is paid at the incorporation date;
  • Each paid share gives the right to one vote;
  • May be managed by at least one administrator, appointed for maximum 4 years (with a first mandate of maximum two years. The number of administrators must always be odd;
  • May chose a unitary Board of Directors or a dual administration system (one Board of Directors and one Supervisory Committee);
  • The General Meeting must elect censors, for a maximum three years period;


  • An extension of the mother company having no legal personality or independence;
  • Can be used by foreign companies to assure its presence on Romanian market;
  • The mother company holds all the assets of the branch;
  • The agreements concluded by the branch can be signed on behalf of the branch either in its own name;
  • The Branch cannot have its own creditors or debtors having to contact the mother company;

Representative Office

  • Has no legal personality of its own and may not perform any activities in its own name;
  • The main purposes of the Representative office are to intermediate the mother company business/ agreements in Romania as well as to advertise and promote its activities;
  • May perform only the activities authorised by the Ministry of Economy;
  • The Romanian authorities request an annual tax in valued at EUR 1,000;
Still not sure what type of company suits your interests best, don’t hesitate to contact us for further discussions.